Tuesday, November 25, 2008

*~~A Dedication to My Best Friend Forever~~*

Hello everyone!! I'm back again... Right today would be something different, I would love to dedicate this post to Jeanne, my BFF!!

Since that she's such a TWILIGHT and HARRY POTTER (Me too) FREAK, I went to look for some pictures that I think she would love them till her deep heart's core.. Plus, I decided to post them here, yup, them, TWILIGHT and HARRY POTTER.. Enjoy!!

This is one great picture!! I love Isabella's dress, too bad I can't fit into it..

Oh my.. Such a breathtaking sight.. I would faint... How I wish to be in Bella's place, I would kill to be there... *_*
I really love this picture!! "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..."

This too, is an awesome picture, look at Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen)'s eyes, they mean something, something only Bella would know, I think...
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

OKIE DOKIE, it's Harry Potter Time... Four pictures each, I sincerely hope that is enough... I myself, am a FULL TIME HARRY POTTER FREAK!! ALL HAIL GRYFFINDOR!! ALL HAIL RAVENCLAW!! ALL HAIL HUFFLEPUFF!! ALL HAIL SLYTHERIN?! Anyway, ALL HAIL HOGWARTS!! Have fun and enjoy, this is the most amazing post I've ever made, CHEERS!!!

Harry and Padfoot, Padfoot is actually Sirius.. I miss Sirius after the fifth book...
Draco Malfoy, the sly, the evil character, always against Harry and his fellow Gryffindors, but I still like him all the same!! All Hail Gryffindor!!
This is Sirius in the black/navy blue coat and James behind Lupin and Sirius, drawing Angel Wings and Halo.. Aww.... d How adorable!!

HAHAHAHA!! Sirius and James!! The perfect couple.. They're not gay you know..?

Ok, this is the end of my dedication and post to dear Jeanne, my dearest friend... I hope you like it...
P.S.: Hey, I know this is not enough, but if I attach somemore to it, its gonna burst into a million pieces, and then from something, immediately, in a blink of an eye, gone... GONE...


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU FOR THE DEDICATION, Anne !!! I really appreciate it A LOT !!!

The pictures are beautiful, I am a Bond + Twilight + Potter FREAK and I am proud of it. Goodness! According to you, Bonds are seducive, admittedly, they are.

I like how evil Draco looks. Really suits him. :)

And James and Harry. Gorgeous !!! Bella is the second me. We relate to each other a lot. Thanks for the pictures of Twilight as well. Have you read the books?


Laura Anne ~Leour~ said...

I'm sorry but nope, I've not read the books, maybe you could lend me them someday.. Lionel is suspected having mumps, its a kind or virusal sickness and it can be SPREADED, I might have it too, just don't know when... Jeez!!!! And we're going down to SIngapore too, the trip might be delayed a few days of probably a week or so...

Yeeyun said...

Laura ~
Are you there ?
I think is...
Besides , Link-ed u up yea ~
Take care

Jeanne said...

I don't think I'll be buying the books now. :D